The former ETA Peanut Butter factory in Ballarat Braybrook is pretty much gone now. Once a shining modernist coloured glass box, designed by Frederick Romberg, and some of the framing is stacked.
It was apparently the only Australian design included in the 1962 publication Industriebau, a seminal international text on industrial design, published by the German Institute for Industry.
My recollection, however, is from the santa show done on the top of the awning - a sort of animated illuminated diorama.

Original Wolfgan Sievers image is here: http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/pictures/0/0/3/im/pi003728.jpg
Image of christmas at ETA by Gary Ayton at http://www.ayton.id.au/gary/genealogy/images/196212_EtaFactory_Xmas.jpg