Recent less than fruitful excavation
Craigieburn, Victoria. The Craigie Burns Inn.
One of a number of gold rush era hotels along the main roads radiating from Melbourne. At about 20 kilometres north of town, it was probably the first overnight stop for walkers heading up the Sydney Road. They had a choice. The Robbie Burns hotel was a mile further up the road, and the Kinlochewe Inn was a little off to the right near Merri Creek. This was an earlier choice, pre gold rush, pre Black Friday. The boggy winter rout
… Continue Added by Gary Vines on March 25, 2010 at 11:48pm — No Comments
Industrial Heritage Dilemma
Well, now that I have your attention!
My personal interest in archaeology has derived from home grown experiences, so that means maintaining an interest in Indigenous issues, specially relating to the identification and protection of sites, but primarily an interest in steam engines which has lead to a growing interest in industrial and agricultural heritage, an area often overlooked by bureaucratic process.
So what’s the dilemma? I’m glad you asked….
While some steam agr… Continue
My personal interest in archaeology has derived from home grown experiences, so that means maintaining an interest in Indigenous issues, specially relating to the identification and protection of sites, but primarily an interest in steam engines which has lead to a growing interest in industrial and agricultural heritage, an area often overlooked by bureaucratic process.
So what’s the dilemma? I’m glad you asked….
While some steam agr… Continue
Added by Neil Meyers on February 9, 2010 at 3:10pm — 2 Comments
Have we lost a post?
Is it my imagination or have we lost a post? Iain Continue
Added by Iain Stuart on January 23, 2010 at 10:37am — No Comments
intangible cultural heritage
With AAV now getting onto the intangible cultural heritage bandwagon (for whatever reason) some background might be of interest. The concept has grown from concerns about cultural traditions (including language, crafts and skills, customs and ways of life) in both indigenous populations and western communities being under threat from globalisation and modernism. It culminated on the world stage in the UNESCO Convention on Intangible heritage http://w… Continue
Added by Gary Vines on December 17, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments
Development of Australian Archaeology
hey, I am a graduate student at Louisiana State University. I have decided to write my term paper for Archaeology Field Methods and Theory on the Development of Archaeology in Australia. I would appreciate any input or suggested sources on this topic. Thank you so much. Continue
Added by Audra Jones on November 24, 2009 at 1:25pm — 5 Comments
how to
perhaps the 80-odd other people who signed up to australian archaeology blog, just want to hear about what Gary, and Iain think, but this must get pretty boring pretty quickly. If you are a bit shy about this form of communication, a quick turotial through the help page might make it simpler Continue
Added by Gary Vines on November 16, 2009 at 12:33pm — No Comments
Ned Kelly's Skull
Added by Gary Vines on November 13, 2009 at 5:29pm — 1 Comment
Washing of saftey vests
Does anyone wash their safety vests? Mine has just been taken off for washing and well - it just doesn't seem right? Continue
Added by Iain Stuart on November 7, 2009 at 12:51pm — 1 Comment
members may or may not be aware of the much longer standing American based ArcheoSeek : A Social Network for Archaeologists @ it is run by Anita Cohen-Williams. Continue
Added by Gary Vines on November 6, 2009 at 10:43am — No Comments
the barbie archaeology story
I haven't seen this circulated for a while, but this version adds a bit of historiographic context. Since Channel 4 claims it has been on "virtually every archaeological e-list in existence" I thought it only natural and proper that it should be posted to this blog as well. --------------------------------------- Take the letter reproduced below. It surfaced most recently at the beginning of this year on the Council for British Archaeology’s internet discussion group (Britarch – anyone can jo… Continue
Added by Gary Vines on November 6, 2009 at 9:24am — No Comments
Darwin and Christ
Browsing through Google News I found this article on Darwin and his Christianity which seems to be more substantive than the usual pap about "Idol" It is a very interesting article among other things it also mentions that Malthus was an Anglican clergyman which I didn't know either. Enjoy Iain Continue
Added by Iain Stuart on November 3, 2009 at 11:22am — 2 Comments
Australian archaeology on Wikipedia
A nicely developing entry on Australian Archaeology in Wikipedia has been underway since 2005, although it is still missing a section of Cultural Resource Management. See - Considering the use it proba… Continue
Added by Gary Vines on November 2, 2009 at 11:22am — 1 Comment
How do we...
Suggest to people that they join up. On other, Facebook type, social notworking sites there is usually a place which says "invite others to join". I cannot find one here. Iain Continue
Added by Iain Davidson on November 1, 2009 at 8:11am — 1 Comment
Say something
Now we are all joining I suppose we have to say something rather than have Gary do all the postng. How do you like my picture of the big Yellow Crane? There is a prize if you can answer the question of what it is and where it is? Iain Continue
Added by Iain Stuart on October 31, 2009 at 7:11am — No Comments
Royal Exhibition Building archaeology
From One of the few big digs in Melbourne this year is about to start at the Exhibition buildings at Melbourne- hoping to find some evidence of the Germand Garden on the Western Forecourt of the great 1880s building. this area is presently bitumen car park and has been so since at least the second world war wh… Continue
Added by Gary Vines on October 28, 2009 at 10:52am — 4 Comments
australian archaeology blog and who set it up?
Gee, it just shows how fast the blogsphere can go. I did set this up in five minutes, without really knowing what I am doing, but it seems to work. sorry if people have been a bit flummoxed by it. the responses have come sooner than I thought was needed to iron out bugs and work out what was going on. but read on....... please note that it has NOTHING to do with the Australian Archaeology Association. my inexperience with these things, and the unfortunate coincidence of the web site fonts lo… Continue
Added by Gary Vines on October 27, 2009 at 12:12pm — 1 Comment